Default signature for appointments in Dynamics 365 CE

In Dynamics 365 activities, only emails automatically include the default signature in the description text editor. This does not happen for appointments, but several users in our company have expressed…

Debug PCFs (and web resources) during development using Proxyman for macOS (and Windows)

When I entered the world of PCF controls, I was looking for a way to quickly and easily debug PCFs within Dynamics 365. While searching, I stumbled upon Diana Birkelbach's…

Get the start and end date of an ISO week number and all ISO week numbers in a month in PowerApps

For a Power App that I'm building to be able to book hours per month, I wanted to divide the month into ISO week numbers, and for each week number,…

Emails in Dataverse are now stored in blob storage

After seeing this LinkedIn post, I can share some good news. Emails in Dataverse are now being stored in the blob storage instead of the database. This change will save…

Set default time zone for new users in Dynamics 365 CE

During the onboarding of new users, we discovered that the default time zone remains set to (GMT) Coordinated Universal Time within Dynamics 365 CE. This causes confusion among users because…

Notify users if they are mentioned in a post

Within the company where I work there was a wish to send users a notification when they were tagged in a post on the timeline, this is unfortunately not in…

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Welcome to my blog! Through this blog I want to publish things related to the Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement & Marketing.